01. this is a mutuals only and private writing blog for original character vidya sharma placed in marvel’s eternals. all content on this blog related to vidya belongs to me. i take inspiration from various sources of media, and follow the timeline of the mcu’s eternals movie. psd and carrd are from plutocommissions.

02. activity on this account will vary but will be slow to low activity. i do work full time and thus activity isn't always consistent. i typically write replies on the weekend, but during the weekdays am prone to ooc shit posting. also please don't follow if my dumbassery is something you don't vibe with, it's chill. this isn't my only blog, and i have a few floating around.

03. i format with small text, bold, italics, some spacing scattered in the reply and underlines. for the most part this blog will be iconless. if any this is a visibility issue please let me know and i will happily change my formatting for you!

04. while mun and muse are both of age, there will be no sexual nsfw on this blog. along with that, i will not be following any blogs that post a high number of nsfw posts, or do not tag their posts in a filterable way. this is solely for my own comfort. this blog will contain sensitive topics about death, violence, etc. i request my mutuals to tag car crashes / accidents for me, thank you!

05. absolutely no type of drama is welcome on this blog. a bitch is too old for that shit. if we have a problem, come talk to me. i don't bite and am always willing to hear people out! i will likely not be posting any call outs on this blog, unless i think the person is actively harmful to the community.

06. i am selective about who i follow, and this blog is mutually exclusive. i check my followers relatively regularly and will softblock if i don’t plan to follow back. if you follow again, i will block. i will not be following any blogs with formatting that i cannot read or see properly, so overly small font, overly spaced out words, etc.

07. general rp etiquette applies. i don’t care too much about reblog karma, but do not use me as a resource. obvious things apply, don’t be a freak, try to touch grass every once in a while and we’re chill.

08. you’ve probably seen me around, i have a billion blogs floating about, the name’s tas, 26, woc, and constantly tired. vidya is indian, and while i am south east asian, i’m not indian so there are things i will be researching before talking about. however, takes on south asian culture come from my personal experience in my own community, and i ask it to be respected.

FULL NAME: vidya sharma

NICKNAME: vid, vi, viddu

GENDER: cis-female

SPECIES: eternal, celestial being created by a higher power

AGE: 7000 years old, appears to be late twenties to early thirties

ORIENTATION: bisexual, biromantic

LOCATION: travels often, main residences in kolkata, india and delhi, india

JOB: painter. known for hosting small galleries, while anonymously selling larger paintings internationally
note: similar to artists like banksy, vidya's real identity and name are unconfirmed. she does not sign her paintings, and due to her ever-changing art style it's often hard to pin point her paintings down to one artist in general.

FACECLAIM: deepika padukone

HEIGHT: five foot nine inches

HAIR: jet black, wavy hair that reaches mid back length. often in a bun or braided.

EYES: chocolate brown, with varying degrees of darkness or lightness. appears unnaturally light when receiving a vision.

PHYSIQUE: while vidya is tall, she holds herself with a strong yet light air. although her shoulders and back are pin straight, there is a gentle elegance in her gait. with sharp features and large eyes, she appears ethereal in nature.

ABILITY : precognition

vidya cannot control when she sees a vision.

vidya has the ability to see into the future, and for that reason is considered the seer of the group. she experiences three types of visions.

the first are imminent visions where danger is on the horizon and action must be taken immediately. these visions come in short spurts, she sees notable faces, locations, colours and sounds. the time between her vision and the event occurring can range from an hour to a day.

the second type of vision she gets are far into the future. these are extremely detailed and are in a dreamlike state. the experience of these visions is akin to falling asleep with her eyes open/daydreaming. these visions are much lengthier and full sequence of events will play out in her mind. however, these visions are typically about things that are meant to happen many years into the future, similar to a prophecy.

the third are her most common and consistent visions. these are shown to her in her dreams at night. in fact, vidya does not dream at all, everything she sees in her sleep are visions of the future. these are very mundane visions, about nothing of concern ranging from what her current block looks like ten years into the future, to where her fellow eternals are next year. these range greatly in when they'll occur in the future.

in all cases, vidya can only have visions when she is on the specific planet. meaning that she cannot have visions about earth when not on earth nor can she have visions of what they call olympia when not with arishem. her visions cannot cross worlds and galaxies. vidya also cannot see the fate (i.e the death) of an eternal in her visions.


earth seemed different inside the domo. a far away planet, out of reach, and inhabited with people so like themselves and yet unlike anything they’ve ever seen. upon landing on the planet, vidya can feel the unrest scampering across the globe. she has her first vision within seconds of entering the earth’s atmosphere. vidya settles herself down on the cold floor of the ship, and a golden glow encases her eyes, warmth like a flame spreads from her core and licks up her body like a wick. she sees the deviants. their rope-like skin a tangle unlike anything she could ever imagine, she hears water lapping up at a shore, and sees a cloud of sand obscuring her sight. she describes her vision in detail to the prime eternal and they direct their landing to coincidence with what she’s seen. they find themselves in mesopotamia, 5000 BC.

vidya isn’t much of a fighter, and was never meant to be. when in a pinch, she is able to wield and defend herself with an urumi, a whip like blade, or a set of bow and arrows. in most cases, vidya retreats to the mouth of the domo, acting as a means of defence for the space craft rather than joining in combat against the deviants. instead the eternal works behind the scenes. the team relies on vidya’s visions as an aid to direct them to their next battle with the deviants. there are limitations to her visions and vidya spends her first years on earth trying to push the boundaries only to be met with a rigid wall. she’s able to have three types of visions. the first type details imminent danger on the horizon. these visions are erratic and a blur. they occur in a short span of time, and in the beginning, they left her overwhelmed, drained, and with very few details she could grasp onto. with time, vidya grew accustomed to following the quick paced visions that show her a flurry of motions, a whirlwind of colours and a clashing melody of sounds. these visions are predominantly based around a deviant attack that is set to occur anywhere from an hour to within twenty four hours. these are the visions the team is able to utilize to mildly prepare for battle, regardless of how last minute it may be.

her second subtype of visions are much longer. they’re less frequent and feel like a short film playing out behind her eyes. these visions are of events that take place centuries or more into the future. she sees them in great detail and is even able to make out full conversations between people. these are the visions she takes forward and turns into her large paintings. most of these visions are related to human events ranging from giant technological advances to world catastrophes. for the most part, vidya keeps these visions to herself, knowing that they’re not meant to interfere in the natural progression of the human race. she paints them as a means of an outlet, unable to continuously suppress her emotions about the future.

her final subtype of visions are her dreams. there are no nights that vidya finds herself without a dream. these dreams are visions of the future, but mundane events that occur. they range from the changing landscape of a city to the rescue of a cat from a well. these visions range in time and may be an event that’s set to occur within the week or ten years down the line.

she spends thousands of years directing the eternals on their path of destroying deviants. she watches as humans raise their weapons against one another, and bloodshed becomes all she knows. her faith in arishem remains strong, and she holds herself back from meddling in their matters, despite the gnawing desire. after tenochtitlan, vidya travels. she learns about the humans on the planet, and watches from grow. more often than not, her attachment to her team drives her to return to their side in concern for their well being. she spends years with each one before settling in india. over the years, she begins painting. she paints the nightly dreams she has, and they sell to various art galleries. these art pieces evokes a sense of peace, as if everything the future holds will be alright. none of her pieces are ever signed, and she sells them through secondary parties, with as much anonymity as she can. her bigger visions are what she paints into her masterpieces. sprawled across giant canvases, she paints the scene that plays out in her mind. she paints the departure of the mayflower with all the pilgrims it held a century before it sets to the seas, she paints the great comet and the signing of the declaration of independence as one piece, she paints the tragedy of the titanic and the world wars, and many many more. these pieces are sold anonymously at auctions, and they become known as The Collection of Time, assumed to be painted by an unknown band of artists rather than a single.

two years before the emergence, vidya begins to have visions about it. the idea of the emergence is an event greater than she can grasp, and due to that inherent characteristic, it makes it hard for her to understand the sequence of images she sees. they plague her for months, often interrupting other visions she has, until she decides to take action. she goes to see ajak and explains her visions to the prime eternal, only to find herself faced with a truth that sinks her heart to her stomach. vidya leaves ajak’s side to give herself some space to think, and returns a week later with a newfound cause. she expresses her desire to stop the emergence, and is relieved to find ajak in alliance with her goal. the two talk briefly about the event, and for a month, vidya remains with ajak. everything changes in the blink of an eye. when she wakes up one morning, she finds ajak had stepped out, and nothing makes sense. she can’t seem to remember why she’d come here, nor does she have any recollection of the emergence. vidya quietly takes her things, and scribbles a note of her thanks to the eternal, unsure of exactly what she was thanking her for. a part of her fears confronting ajak and uncovering what caused this block of memory, so she leaves before ajak can come back home.

vidya desperately searches for a place to ground herself again, and finds peace in the domo. the journey long and discomforting. every time she attempts to recall what exactly felt missing, she’s met with a chilling silence in her thoughts. she indulges herself in meditative rituals for the remainder of the month with a fleeting hope that it would calm her enough to understand what had happened. it doesn’t help, her memories of the emergence don't return. what vidya doesn’t know, and doesn’t learn until much later when she’s reunited with her team, is that her visions of the emergence were never meant to happen. the visions are an inherent design flaw that arishem had overlooked but is well aware of. in every lifetime, vidya has visions of the emergence, and in the times where she begins to act on these visions, arishem wipes her memories.

the eternal continues to spend her time as she did previously, painting and traveling. she is unable to predict ajak’s death but wakes after a rare night of no visions to a feeling of cold that she can’t shake. she experiences a similar feeling after the death of gilgamesh. the eternals reach her before they go on their search for druig, and only then is she able to make sense of the dreamless nights. she doesn’t have much time to process the news as they bring her up to speed, explaining the emergence to her. something itches in the back of her skull as they do, but nothing revives the memories that had been stolen from her. instead, vidya helps the eternals gear up for the battle of a lifetime. in the fight against ikaris, she's primarily stationed in the domo, and watches her friends helplessly. victory comes after what feels like a life time, and her heart aches to watch ikaris leave them.

the only reassurance that comes are the dreams that follow. vidya dreams every night after that battle, and doesn’t experience another cold day empty of visions. it brings her hope and courage that ikaris is simply lost, waiting to be refound. with that hope, she resumes her life at a peaceful pace, visiting the eternals more frequently.

tl;dr it is recommended to read the full bio, but this is a quick summary! every eternal has their purpose on their given planet. when vidya is sent down with the domo, she is meant to help them locate deviants. her visions are much more frequent in the years they spend finding these deviants. although she can’t map up a deviants location too long before an attack happens, she gives them an extra bit of time to relocate or plan their attack with her visions. when the last deviant is eradicated, and ajak sends the eternals to live their life, vidya finds herself in India. she makes her name as an artist and begins to sell paintings of her visions. these paintings portray events that will occur centuries into the future and are in great detail. she sells these paintings through third parties and anonymously in order to prevent being tracked down when the events come to fruition. she makes a living selling other unrelated paintings to auctions and galleries, continuing to maintain anonymity while experimenting with art styles. vidya enjoys her quiet life style until she begins having frantic visions about emergence. mostly vague and ominous, she doesn’t know what to make of them. she approaches ajak about the images and is told about the plan of the emergence. wholy against it, she demands ajak speak to arishem to little avail. vidya begins plotting a way to stop the emergence with ajak, until the visions abruptly stop. vidya wakes up one morning with no recollection of the emergence and no memory of her visions. she isn’t aware that arishem had a hand in this erasure of her memory before she can alert the other eternals. she continues her life as is, until the events of the emergence begins. not much of a fighter, vidya remains on the sidelines to plan and prepare anything necessary.


main: after the deviants are thought to be eradicated, vidya takes up life as an anonymous painter, living a comfortable life in kolkata, india. she travels frequently and is only in touch with the other eternals when harrowing visions require her to be. she plays a small role in the emergence, and the question remains as to why she hadn’t seen it coming. she helps to plan and prepare for the final battle, but doesn’t participate in the battle herself.

more to be added.


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